Installing gretl for dummies (building from source)

elementary OS

Initial setup

Open the Terminal app and enter the command

Remove the "#" from the line above

Enter the command to update your package repositories

Installing dependencies

Install the packages you need to build gretl. Again using Terminal enter the following commands

Donwloading gretl's files

If that command doesn't work (due to some network restrictions), you can try this alternative

That commands (alternatives 1 or 2) will download all necessary files and save them in the folder named git inside gretl located at you home folder.


After these steps you need to go to that new directory

And then, finally you just need to enter the following commands

Now you have gretl installed and accesible under the Applications menu in elementary OS.


To keep your gretl's installation up to date you just need to open Terminal and run the following commands:

Linux Mint


